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aero pets pet transport overseas

How bad SEO companies can ruin your rankings [case study]

Aero Pets transport dogs and cats overseas. They can look after pets while the owners travel and arrange all vet checks, flights and export papers.

public speaking how to prepare for a speech

Public Speaking: How to prepare for a 10 minute talk about your business

For most people, public speaking is right up there with heights, spiders and death as one of the greatest fears we have. In fact, it is commonly held to be our number one fear. However, preparing for a 10 minute talk about your business is really no different to preparing for a one on one sales meeting.

features and benefits sell the sizzle not the sausage

Features & Benefits: Sell the Sizzle, Not the Sausage!

Selling the sizzle and not the sausage is the best way to differentiate yourself from a business that is just selling a “thing”. Read on to find out more!

xmas email marketing tips

Email Marketing At Christmas

Email marketing leading up to Christmas is a great way to create planned purchases in your customers’ minds before the real Xmas rush starts. This article offers a few email marketing tips to get the best results possible!

seo scams to watch out for

Search Engine Optimisations Scams to Watch Out For

With Google making more and more changes to the way they rank website search results, it is no longer business as usual in the search engine optimisation (SEO) world. You can’t get away with dodgy SEO tactics, such as buying 10,000 links from link farms. Don’t get caught out by low quality work or SEO scams!

domain name ownership

Domain Name Ownership – Who Owns Yours?

Domain Name Ownership can be a real minefield. This article provides an overview of how ownership of a domain name should be recorded and what you can do about it if you have problems with your domains.

good web designer

Good Web Designers in New Zealand – How to find one

Finding a good web designer is hard! We rescue a lot of our customers from what their previous web designers have done to their websites. Here’s a few tips on how to find a good web designer in New Zealand. This article includes a list of questions you can ask to find a good web designer.

Girl holding a smartphone asking how much does a mobile website cost?

How much does a Mobile Website Cost?

Mobile Website Cost depends on what you want to do with your website and what your starting point is. How old is your website? How was it built? Who built it? Here’s a simple guide for what to expect.

Click to call button on mobile website

Click to Call Mobile Websites: Why it’s a “must have” feature

Mobile websites are on the rise but very few of them seem to include a “click to call” function.

This is an amazingly effective feature to have on your website. It generates enquiries and improves conversions as you are getting the opportunity to engage more with the customer than via an email.

google adwords manage adwords help

Why you shouldn’t Manage Google Ads Campaigns yourself

I often hear stories about how my clients tried to manage Google Ads on their own and made a complete mess of it. I can understand the attraction of running your own Google Ads account but here is why you shouldn’t do it!

Pinterest search for disabled bath

How to use photos for online image marketing

A picture may be worth “a thousand words” and that’s never been more true on the internet. A potential customer who finds your picture can read your words with a click! This article explains how you can use image marketing online to lead people to your website.

Hand shake for business referral

How to give good business referrals, gain trust and respect

Have you ever had your time wasted by a bad business referral? Giving good business referrals is an art that you can get better at by following a few simple rules.

mind map for website development

6 New Years Resolutions for your Website

This blog covers 6 things that you NEED to take care of this year. If your website has been left uncared for, these online marketing tips will get it working again! You’ll be surprised how much better your website will perform if you make these changes.

Why Bartercard is a waste of time and money

Why Bartercard is a waste of time and money [warning]

Because Bartercard increases gross turnover, many business people take a long time to realise the tangible and intangible costs that go along with marketing in the barter economy. Like AMWAY, Bartercard proponents often ignore the bottom line and focus on all the extra “cashflow” they are getting. However, reality eventually sets in once they realise what the true costs are. Avoid the pain and read this article!


Smartphone Growth: Why your website needs to go mobile now!

According to a report by, something amazing happened in 2011. The number of smart phones sold was greater than the number of standard computers sold. They say that mobile device sales have only just begun to hit it’s growth phase and that in a few years, mobile devices will far, far outnumber PC’s.

SEO Basics

SEO Basics for your Business Website

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) can be a confusing thing for someone trying to rank their business website higher. SEO is a huge area of expertise now and encompasses a whole range of things that can be done to improve website exposure and visits, which lead to sales. Here are a few basic pointers on what to look out for. This is by no means an extensive list but a basic guideline for someone wanting to understand a few basic terms.

Moving from traditional retail to online shopping website

Moving from traditional retail to online shopping website

If you’ve been running a retail shop for years and can’t see why you need an online shop, perhaps you’re missing the big picture?

Shopping websites are growing by leaps and bounds. Deliveries from online shops are growing and shoppers are leaving traditional retail in their droves. Act now or get left behind!

whangarei web design dave smyth

Profile of Dave Smyth: Energise Web Design, Whangarei

I started building websites back in 1999, when hardly anyone in Whangarei had a website or thought they needed one! website were seen as the “latest fad”. Something that would go away and if they wanted one, they would get their nephew, who’s “good at computers” to build it for them. Things have changed a lot since then. It’s a whole new world. If you need a website, contact me for a no-obligation chat!

Businesses with websites make more money

Study shows NZ businesses with websites make more money

MYOB have released a report into ecommerce in New Zealand that shows businesses with a website earned significantly more than companies that are not represented online. The study included over one thousand businesses and showed that Northland companies had the lowest internet presence in the country at just 21%.

boats for sale

Boat dealer & broker websites

Boat dealers from Whangarei in the North Island to Wanaka in the South Island are already taking advantage of to sell their stock. Boating professionals and can now list boats for sale on and also update their own websites at the same time!

IE 404 error screen

How to remove URL’s from Google

If you find that Google is listing results for your website that are no longer valid, this may affect your search engine rankings and will certainly affect potential visitors to your website. This can arise due to a number of reasons and it’s best to sort them out before you end up with a stack of 404 errors in your website stats!

google panda algorithm update

Google conspiracy theory: Adwords bidding wars?

The Google Farmer update has destroyed rankings, and therefore web traffic and advertising revenue for a large number of good quality websites that are now struggling to recover. Was it planned that way or just an unfortunate side-effect?

boats for sale

Boats for Sale on

If you’re looking for NZ Boats for Sale or for somewhere to sell your boat, check out – it’s a new website that was launched just a month ago to offer free boat listings to both the public and boat dealers. It’s really easy too use and has some great advanced features that you can access if you sign up for a free account.

how to cheat google and why you shouldn't

SEO shortcuts to a top ranking

It is everyone’s dream: To get to the top of Google search engine results without having to invest a lot of time, money and effort. Taking a shortcut when it comes to SEO is highly tempting, but does it really bring the success you are hoping for?


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