Digital Marketing Tips - Page 3

list of questions for web design quote

Questions to ask when getting quotes for web design

There is no need to be intimidated by the process of getting your own web site. You will have an ongoing relationship with your web designers, so make sure that they can explain to you in simple terms the answers to the questions you ask.

page rankings

Are Page Rankings Still Important?

Page rankings have been the king of website performance for many years. Is this still true? Are there better performance indicators for a website than page rankings alone? If so, what are they and how to develop a web strategy that doesn’t rely entirely on page rankings?

Grumpy cat meme

Using Memes for Internet Marketing

If you use Facebook, you will see “memes” every day without even thinking about them. Those pictures with a comment that give you a chuckle about something that is immediately recognisable are memes. They are a way to spread concepts […]

Help search engines to help you

Google thinks your brand is misspelled

If Google believes that you have misspelled your search query, it will show you the search results for what it thought you meant to type. Learn about Google search and SEO techniques that you can use to boost your websites ratings.

mobile friendly newsletters

Make your Emails Mobile Friendly

If you’re sending out email marketing, how do you know that it’s working as it should? Can your promotions be easily read on a smartphone or other mobile device. What’s the best way to send out newsleters so they work on every screen? Read on to find out more…

Social Media

The secret to creating viral content

Viral content is the ultimate word of mouth internet marketing. Is it really that hard to do, or is there a “secret” to making something go viral that you can use to your advantage? Find out how to make it happen!

Angry woman giving bad Google review

Turn Bad Google Reviews into Good Publicity

There is no getting away from reviews, but how can you deal with negative reviews and try to turn bad reviews into a positive piece of content? Dealing with bad reviews is much easier than you may think!

hiring a personal assistant

Is it time to hire a Personal Assistant?

Many business owners eventually hire a Personal Assistant. There are so many tasks to complete in any given day and having someone to help you can free up more time, get more done and alleviate at least a marginal amount of stress!

mobile friendly newsletters

How LinkedIn Can Drive your Business

Lead generation can cost hundreds of dollars, but there is a new tool; LinkedIn. Creating and nurturing good quality leads is pivotal to success. The higher the value of a product or service, the more important, and more costly, that nurturing good leads becomes.

engage website visitors smartphone

Engage Website Visitors In Under 30 Seconds

In a world of ever-screaming marketing noise, grabbing attention and holding it is incredibly hard. How can you possibly be heard above the general background noise of marketing? In creating a coherent, holistic marketing strategy, you can grab that attention in just 30 seconds.

how to convert website leads to sales

How to turn website leads into sales

Converting leads is the key to profitability. A slight increase in lead conversion can have huge increase in profitability. How can you make sure that time and money are not wasted pursuing poor quality leads, make sure that good quality leads are engaged and converted?

buyer personas

How Buyer Personas help your website

Buyer Personas are a vital way to streamline your content strategy, enabling you to really understand the buying cycle, the attractions and the pitfalls in your website and content design. A guide in how to use buying personas effectively to drive website content.

2015 report on New Zealand internet trends

2015 NZ Internet Trends

Reports show that internationally, internet trends in 2015 have shown integration of mobile devices as access points to the internet. In New Zealand, 2015’s internet trends have followed suit. How else are people using the internet now? What new trends have come to light in 2015 and how can they enhance your internet marketing?

email marketing laws in nz

Staying the Right Side of New Zealand Email Marketing Law

New Zealand’s Email Marketing Laws are clearly set out in the 2007 Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act. What is included in the Act, and where does this leave email marketers when considering best practice and the law for email marketing in New Zealand?

upselling online

How to Up-Sell Visitors to your Ecommerce Website

Tips for up-selling and designing an upselling strategy. Upselling is a vital part of a profitable business plan. Upselling is not new in traditional marketing and sales, but how can it be used to maximise profit and build lasting businesses relationships online?

keeping customer loyalty in an online world

How to increase customer loyalty in an online world

Building customer loyalty online means building profitability. How can you increase customer loyalty in an online world of free information and comparison? There is a wealth of opportunity to increase customer loyalty, and it doesn’t cost the earth.

What are the best colours for websites

Colour psychology on your website

Heard of colour psychology? Far from being a new science, the colours used on a website can have a surprising effect on its use. Colour as a sales tool? Sounds far-fetched, but the colour of your website could have a significant influence in its success.

improving website enquiries with conversion rate optimisation

How to improve conversion rates on your website

How do you turn traffic into business? Improving conversion rates is essential to any growing business. But how can a website increase conversion rates sustainably? Providing more value per click and more business from a site visit?

how much is your web design business worth?

How much is your web business worth?

If you have a web design business, an SEO company or some other internet-based business and you’re looking to move into another direction, how can you work out what your business is worth? You may have worked for years building your company and when it’s time to move on, you want to make sure that you get a fair price.

public speaking how to prepare for a speech

Public Speaking: How to prepare for a 10 minute talk about your business

For most people, public speaking is right up there with heights, spiders and death as one of the greatest fears we have. In fact, it is commonly held to be our number one fear. However, preparing for a 10 minute talk about your business is really no different to preparing for a one on one sales meeting.

features and benefits sell the sizzle not the sausage

Features & Benefits: Sell the Sizzle, Not the Sausage!

Selling the sizzle and not the sausage is the best way to differentiate yourself from a business that is just selling a “thing”. Read on to find out more!

xmas email marketing tips

Email Marketing At Christmas

Email marketing leading up to Christmas is a great way to create planned purchases in your customers’ minds before the real Xmas rush starts. This article offers a few email marketing tips to get the best results possible!

domain name ownership

Domain Name Ownership – Who Owns Yours?

Domain Name Ownership can be a real minefield. This article provides an overview of how ownership of a domain name should be recorded and what you can do about it if you have problems with your domains.

Click to call button on mobile website

Click to Call Mobile Websites: Why it’s a “must have” feature

Mobile websites are on the rise but very few of them seem to include a “click to call” function.

This is an amazingly effective feature to have on your website. It generates enquiries and improves conversions as you are getting the opportunity to engage more with the customer than via an email.


Google Reviews

4.9 45 reviews