Digital Marketing Tips - Page 2

sex toy marketing

How to market Sex Toys

Running a sex toy store might sound quite lucrative, considering the industry is worth almost US$30 billion worldwide. However, advertising pleasure products through mainstream channels is tricky. Most websites won’t allow ads for products that are rated ‘adult only’ and even social media offers little opportunity. What to do?


Email Marketing

In the age of social media many businesses wonder whether investing in email marketing is a waste of money. However, research has shown that email marketing is indeed still more successful. All it needs is a proper strategy and your sales and customer relationships will clearly benefit from it.

Big neon Hard Rock Cafe logo

How big should my logo be?

When designing websites for our clients, we are often asked to “make the logo bigger”. But is this a good idea? Consider the purpose of a logo on your website. Is bigger really better?

Understanding your Audience

Why understanding your audience is important

The right kind of advertising can either make or break a company, as it leaves potential customers either highly satisfied – or repulsed

Weight loss Products

How to sell weight loss products online

How effective is online marketing and what are the do’s and don’ts? Here is what you need to know if you want to sell weight loss products online.

Vodafone cancel web services

Vodafone Stop Domain, Email & Web Hosting Services

Vodafone are shutting web, email and domain hosting services as of 28th February 2019. We explain what this means for you and your business.

why blog

Why you should have a business blog

Have you considered blogging? It’s a vital digital marketing tool that helps you increase your stats, engage your audience and improve your online presence.

Why Social Media isn't enough

Why Social Media Marketing Isn’t Enough To Promote Your Business Online

An effective digital marketing strategy requires a well-designed website at the very minimum, as well as a commitment to creating useful and engaging content consistently. Social media marketing is only a small part of a much larger strategy.

how to promote your cause - ocean

How to promote your cause on the internet

Even the worthiest of causes won’t receive donations if no one has ever heard of it. This is why nonprofit organisations dedicate so much time and effort to raising awareness. Here are 9 actionable steps your organisation can implement to increase your online reach and raise more awareness of your cause.

man digging for treasure to pay for cost of seo

How Much Does SEO Cost?

Working out how much to spend on Search Engine Optimisation can be a difficult decision. This article covers some of the things that you need to think about regarding SEO, what to expect and some pointers on how to set your budget. SEO isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of thing!

hats and coats from website visitors

What do website visitors want from your website?

Your website may need to cater to a whole range of different visitors. How can you make sure that you appeal to as many people as possible? Here are some simple guidelines that will help your website convert visitors into customers.

Bad Seo Costs Money

6 Ways Bad SEO Costs Your Company Money

There is absolutely no doubt that bad SEO costs your company money. Not just due to poor results, but also by creating lasting damage that adds more costs.

Facebook Business Page

Why you shouldn’t use a Facebook profile as your business page

Using a personal profile page to promote a business is a violation of Facebook’s Term of Service, it also puts your business at a disadvantage.Using a personal profile page to promote a business is a violation of Facebook’s Term of Service, it also puts your business at a disadvantage.

Do you really need social media?

Social media – does your business really need it?

Seems like every second article online is about how small businesses can benefit from social media. What if we told you this wasn’t necessarily the case?

fb call to action ad

Tips for Facebook Ads

Facebook has more than 1.94 billion monthly active users. If your business is not tapping into the largest online audience in the world, you’re missing out.

Facebook Reviews

How Important are Facebook Reviews?

There are many ways that leads and customers can communicate with your business but how they perceive you online is influenced by your presence on Facebook.

energise website success

Graphic Design vs Content – What’s more important?

Finding a balance between engaging content and eye-catching design may seem an impossible task, particularly if you tend to favour one over the other.

black hat seo

What is Black Hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO tactics may result in a burst of traffic and revenue in the beginning stages, but in the long term will damage your credibility and sales.

energise google reviews

How important are Google Reviews?

Google is the first point of contact a potential customer has with your business. Google Reviews are what help them to choose your business over another.

Do I need a copywriter

Do I really need a Copywriter?

There are simple ways to identify a good copywriter and ensure the important parts of your business jump off of the page. This post will look at the reasons why you need a copywriter and how to find a good match for your business.

marketing online shopping websites

A guide to building your online shopping business

Building an online business can be a minefield; it certainly isn’t a case of create a site and relax. What must a new online business do to achieve success? In a busy marketplace, new online businesses must stand out, create loyalty and constantly evolve.

newsletter subscriber numbers

8 Ways To Grow Your Newsletter Subscriber Numbers

Many businesses that we talk with about online marketing have best intentions when it comes to email marketing. However, if you can’t get enough subscribers, it can all fall apart as the value of writing newsletters is lessened if no one is reading them! Justify all the effort you put into providing information to your current and prospective customers by making sure that you newsletters are reaching as many people as possible! Read on to find out how…

Jet boating near Queenstown

Marketing Small Tourism Businesses Online

Marketing a small tourism business online can be confusing and intimidating. Budgets can be small and time limited, so make sure that you get the best bang for your buck by being prepared!

profit from google adwords

Why you should use Google AdWords

Most businesses don’t run Google Ads campaigns. But the potential for new business is huge! Did you realise that more people click on the paid adverts on Google than they do on the natural results? Read more and find out why you should use Google Ads.


Google Reviews

4.9 45 reviews