Blog - Page 7

Scams online

How to avoid online scams

Scams only have one goal: To get your money. Unfortunately scams have become a lot trickier to spot over the years. Find out how to keep yourself safe.

Children's Internet Safety

How to keep your child safe online.

In the age of digital technology it’s almost impossible to keep your children away from devices, let alone the internet. Helping them understand the dangers of the internet and teaching them how to use it responsibly, is vital.

search engine optimization

7 User Interaction Metrics that will influence the SEO of your site

Only 28% of Business Owners, about one in four, perform SEO. We look at 7 User Interaction Metrics that will influence the SEO of your Site.

Privacy Policy

What is the GDPR and how will it affect NZ businesses?

Floods of emails in recently touting business’s privacy policy updates? It’s the GDPR. What is GDPR & how will it impact your business here in New Zealand?

Why Social Media isn't enough

Why Social Media Marketing Isn’t Enough To Promote Your Business Online

An effective digital marketing strategy requires a well-designed website at the very minimum, as well as a commitment to creating useful and engaging content consistently. Social media marketing is only a small part of a much larger strategy.

how to promote your cause - ocean

How to promote your cause on the internet

Even the worthiest of causes won’t receive donations if no one has ever heard of it. This is why nonprofit organisations dedicate so much time and effort to raising awareness. Here are 9 actionable steps your organisation can implement to increase your online reach and raise more awareness of your cause.

New Zealand Business Resources

Free resources for New Business in New Zealand

Starting a small business can be beyond challenging. Working extra long hours and juggling tasks to keep the business going, it can often feel like you’re all alone, struggling to keep it all together. But, there is help available

Google Ad Grants

Google Adwords Grant

Advertising is vital to the success of any organisation, including those who operate to help others.What if nonprofits could reduce their own advertising spend while extending the reach and audience of their cause? This is where the Google Adwords Grant can help.

Website Fails

8 most common web design fails

97 percent of consumers read online reviews about a business before making a buying decision and there is no faster way to judge a business than by its website. Your website is your potential customer’s first impression of who you are and how you do business.

Cartoon of businessman waving success flag after good SEO

Your SEO Questions Answered

You may already know that Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is important for your ranking your business higher on Google, but how much do you really know about it? These are the answers to the questions we hear most often. Hopefully they can clear up some of the confusion around this complicated subject.

Why didn't your SEO Work

Why Your SEO Didn’t Work

Bad SEO will not only be ineffective but it can also be detrimental to the growth of your business. Here, we take a look at what might have gone wrong and how you can turn the situation around.

Net Neutrality

Net neutrality changes: What does it mean for New Zealand?

Repealing the changes means that internet service providers are perfectly positioned to control bandwidth and internet speeds, favouring services that pay higher premiums or are owned by the internet providers themselves. But what does this actually mean for the everyday internet user?

Using Facebook Groups for New Business

Using Facebook Groups for New Business

One aspect of Facebook that we’d like to discuss today, and that’s groups. They’ve been around for a while and their importance is growing as a Web marketing tool.

Search intent

How To Target Search Intent On Your Website

Today, while you may have a domain name, web-hosting and a great website built, getting your website to rank on the first page of Google for any given search term can be a big challenge. Fortunately, there’s one tactic you can use to help adapt your content to the latest in ranking systems: search intent.

Seo Vs Adwords

Internet Marketing: Is AdWords or SEO better?

AdWords and SEO are the most powerful tools when it comes to search engine marketing, and knowing how to use them is integral to every successful marketing campaign.

Searching for your website

Why isn’t my web page on Google?

No matter how many people are looking for websites like yours, you’ll be invisible to them if you don’t show up in the major search engines.So, if you’re not ranking on Google, it’s time to make some adjustments to your website.

man digging for treasure to pay for cost of seo

How Much Does SEO Cost?

Working out how much to spend on Search Engine Optimisation can be a difficult decision. This article covers some of the things that you need to think about regarding SEO, what to expect and some pointers on how to set your budget. SEO isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of thing!

hats and coats from website visitors

What do website visitors want from your website?

Your website may need to cater to a whole range of different visitors. How can you make sure that you appeal to as many people as possible? Here are some simple guidelines that will help your website convert visitors into customers.

Search Engine Marketing

Why Businesses Fail at Search Engine Marketing

Google claims that adwords is the easiest and best way for your customers to find your business online. But if it is so simple, why are so many businesses still failing at it and spending thousands in the process?

Bad Seo Costs Money

6 Ways Bad SEO Costs Your Company Money

There is absolutely no doubt that bad SEO costs your company money. Not just due to poor results, but also by creating lasting damage that adds more costs.

Simple Website Design in plain English

Simple Website Design – Keeping It Simple Stupid

Simple website design is not quantum physics and should not be made difficult to understand. Our clients don’t have to know anything about programming jargon to use a website effectively, any more than they need to understand electrical engineering to use a toaster.
Here’s what you need to know about simple website design.

Facebook Business Page

Why you shouldn’t use a Facebook profile as your business page

Using a personal profile page to promote a business is a violation of Facebook’s Term of Service, it also puts your business at a disadvantage.Using a personal profile page to promote a business is a violation of Facebook’s Term of Service, it also puts your business at a disadvantage.

Do you really need social media?

Social media – does your business really need it?

Seems like every second article online is about how small businesses can benefit from social media. What if we told you this wasn’t necessarily the case?

secure connection

Secure website connections: making the move from HTTP to HTTPS

Before we explain why encryption is so important, we should examine what it actually means. Let’s break it down to its basic parts.
HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. Though it sounds complex, it’s quite simple.


Google Reviews

4.9 45 reviews