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target audience

8 ways to get to know your target audience

Unless you are happy to waste an enormous amount of time and money on content production and advertising in the hope that someone might eventually respond to it, knowing your target audience is essential. Knowing who you are talking to, how they think and tailoring your content towards exactly those people, will significantly increase your chances of turning potential customers into purchasing ones.


Instagram Reels Marketing: What You Should Know

Instagram is one of the most dynamic platforms of its kind. Instagram Reels, in particular, is a feature you mustn’t miss out on if you’re keen on promoting your products. Instagram Reels are one-minute, multi-clip videos that can have intriguing effects and creative tools.

landing page paper plane

What makes a good landing page?

Your landing page is your business card on the internet. Having one is essential to even be found by Google and other search engines. But not every landing page will help your business grow and flourish. Only the ones with a good first impression will result in higher conversion rates.

emotions digital marketing

How ‘feel good’ marketing can help grow your business

Rational decision-making is uncommon. The majority of people base the choices they make on the way they feel. This is important to remember when developing a marketing strategy for your business. The happier your potential customers are, the more likely they will make a purchase or use your services.

SEO Audi

How to get more visits with the right SEO keywords

Finding the right keywords for your website is a tricky and challenging business. They can either attract plenty of traffic or cause severe long-term damage to your SEO campaign. The better your SEO keywords align with search queries your target audience is actually using, the more likely your website will be found.

promote website offline

6 alternative ways to promote your website offline

A good marketing campaign should combine online and offline interactions with your audience. While having a website is essential for your business, there are plenty of ways to promote it offline to ensure you are not missing out on potential customers.

inbound marketing

Inbound Marketing: How To Attract More Customers To Your Website

A solid business strategy focuses on growing your audience, generating leads, building long-lasting customer relationships and increasing your revenue. Focusing on your ideal consumer base, inbound marketing encompasses a range of tools that will help you establish a deeper connection with potential customers, turn leads into purchasing clients and ultimately boost your sales.

website rebuild

How To Plan Your Website Rebuild

Outdated technology, a company rebrand and poor SEO are only some of the issues that call for a website rebuild. Depending on what you are hoping to achieve, you have the choice between making minor adjustments or starting completely from scratch. However, the basics you need to focus on remain the same.

google penalty

How To Avoid Google Penalties

Every webmaster wants their website to be displayed on the first page in Google search results. There are many ways to improve your SEO strategy, but not every action you take will be beneficial. Whether on purpose or accidentally – if you breach Google’s Terms of Use, your website may disappear from the internet completely.

fabric structures responsive website

Making Responsive Websites Work For You

Whether you are surfing the web on a laptop, desk computer, smartphone or tablet: A responsive web design will automatically adjust websites to fit on any device. Find out what the advantages are and how it will help grow your business.

Pink or Teal

Simultaneous Contrast: How colours affect your perception

First described in 1839, a physical phenomenon called simultaneous contrast has major implications for web designers today. It explains how and why colours seem to change right before our eyes when paired with other colours. Find out what this means for your website.

engaging content

How to Create Engaging Website Content

Getting online users to visit your website is only just the beginning. If you want them to stay, engage and eventually become loyal customers, you need to provide content that is relevant to them. The best way of doing that is by getting your audience to help you write content for your website. Here is how.

Website Fonts

How to choose the right font for your website

First impressions often determine the outcome of a situation, and your appearance plays a vital part in creating your image. Most people wouldn’t wear pyjamas to a job interview as it clearly sends the wrong message. The same can be said about website fonts. Whether you get your message across or not can highly depend on how viewers perceive what you present.

Freelancer challenges

The Biggest Challenges Freelancers Face on a Daily Basis

Freelancers have a key role in almost every industry. However, freelancers cope with a unique set of problems in their working lifestyle. Get to know the prevalent issues in their field and how you can solve them.

data driven content

Why your content marketing needs to be data-driven

Content marketing is an essential tool to boost sales and increase conversions, turning website visitors into paying customers for your business. However, in order to maximise your profits, your approach should be based on data.

Google Guides

How your business can benefit from Google Guides

Actively marketing your business online can be costly and time-consuming. User-generated content such as produced on Google Guides is a valuable asset and should not be under-estimated. Utilized the right way, Google Guides can increase your online visibility and boost your SEO rankings.

digital privacy

Get ready for the new Privacy Act

From December 2020 onwards, new amendments to the Privacy Act come into force to ensure personal information is kept safe in the light of technological and global trading developments. Find out what this means for your business.

shopping cart

Shopping Cart Abandonment: What Are its Causes and How Can You Fix It

Shopping Cart Abandonment is one of the key reasons why many e-commerce sites lose out on customers. This article will take a look at the problem in detail.


The Best Photo-editing Apps for 2020

The key to getting all those likes and shares to increase engagement starts with one great image. Read on to learn more.

photographer taking free stock photos

Where To Find Free Stock Photos

The images you are using on your website or social media account can influence if and how your audience will engage with you, if they take a closer look at what you have to offer and even impact their decision whether or not to do business with you. We have compiled a list of the most popular free stock image websites that are bound to help you spruce up your online looks.


The 10 Most Crucial Google Ranking Factors

Google is one of the most powerful search engines in the world. If you want your website to be ranked first in search results, you need to know which Google ranking factors determine who appears where. Don’t miss out on traffic, potential customers, buyers and sales

google my business search for fruit

How To Google My Business

From choosing the right category to maintaining your listing: With the right approach, Google My Business has the potential to improve website visits, grow your audience and turn browsing visitors into paying customers.

Cyber security

The State of Cybersecurity in New Zealand during Covid-19

With cybercriminals taking advantage of the Covid-19 situation, Cybersecurity concerns have been increasing in New Zealand. Learn how you can protect your devices and stay secured in simple steps.

Online Shopping

How Covid-19 has changed the online business world

Empty shelves because of panic-buying, entire websites crashing due to overload and traditional retail stores having to close their storefronts to customers were only some of the initial impacts of Covid-19 on businesses around the globe. The Coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we shop and the trends are likely to stay for the time being. For online retailers this opens up plenty of new opportunities, if they can overcome the challenges that come with it.


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